The Path - Central DOOR Campus
Our Central Door Campus is located at the corner of North Avenue and Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. On one side there are commercial businesses such as Pete’s Fruit Market and the other side of the campus backs up to a residential neighborhood. The block does have three existing structures on it which make up a Studio and Childrens Learning Center. Our block highlights a large main campus structure with a fully functioning Department of Corrections, a vast Progressive Health Center, community involved Learning Center, and much more. The campus also includes multiple courtyards to bring a unique connection to nature. Closer to the residential side of the block we have placed the Temporary Communal Housing structure. This building is meant to help reentering citizens through transition. The goal is to house them, give them access to all the healthcare and mental healthcare they may need, employ them directly on the campus, and give them a group living setting to help learn community values. Overall, our campus is meant to give unique opportunities to all stakeholders, focus on the outdoors to incorporate green spaces, give any and all help to reentering citizens, and much much more.

Solar Plinth Spa/Boathouse
Welcome to the Solar Plinth located along the Milwaukee River just west of the Urban Ecology Center. My project is a version of the plinth and pavilion typology with a land scraper element protruding out from the plinth. I used two materials for the exterior parts of my structure to allow for the different typologies to flow together and for the building to stand out in the nature filled site.

Urban Boutique Hotel
This hotel is located along West Wells St and North 2nd Street in Milwaukee Wisconsin. I experimented with a design idea that creates an inviting delicate base with a heavier, more solid section protruding out of it. I used glass and screens around the south and east facades of the base to make visitors feel welcome when they come to stay at the hotel. The front wall of the hotel mass is pushed back from the glass facade on the base level because I wanted my design to create that idea of protrusion. The unique facade is made of corten steel that was divided up into a grid and I pulled different pieces out to give my building interest and visual relief.

WWI Airplane Museum
This site is located off of route 60 in Grafton, WI. The building is located near airplane runways to allow visitors to get an up close experience of the WWI airplanes. The structure is meant to be a single building that serves as both an airplane hangar and a museum. The hangar is significantly larger to portray hierarchy as well as show off the unique steel structure. The entrance has a fountain and greenery to comfort the visitors.

Quilt Gallery
This project was about creating a public museum in a very narrow site just outside of Milwaukee on Martin Luther King Drive. The goal was to analyze various quilts from the Gees Bend and use that analysis to create a building that would best display them. The most difficult part was dealing with the unique site and incorporating all of the program elements in the narrow building, while still giving a museum-like experience.

Dwelling Home
This dwelling home was completed at the end of my second studio course. I was given a program to create a small house for a human and a pet dog. The curved sections of the roof and floor resemble cuts in the landscape, as well as leave an opening for light to enter and heat up the interior. There is also a public area underneath the ground where people are able to walk in and have a "club-like" experience without being in the space of the owners.

Anteater Zoo Pavilion
The anteater pavilion was a continuation of the aggregation project. The goal was to use the overall structure from the aggregation building and modify it to fit the new program. This is an open-concept design that allows visitors to feel close to the animal, while also having their own space to do other activities. The front façade allows for an abundant amount of light to enter as well as unique shadows at different times of the day. The site is located along Lake View Drive in Milwaukee, WI and is a great building to look at while driving along the lake.

The SNAFU project is something different than a typical architectural project. The term "SNAFU" stands for: A Situation All "Messed" Up and is meant to help enhance creativity. The drawings are divided into a few different sections that are then put together to create something that really catches the eye and ignites an alternate point of view on a project.

Aggregation Office Building
The aggregation project was intended to introduce us to thinking about architecture in the real-world. A lenient program was given in order to allow us to use our creative mind and create a structure that is interesting to visit, and that serves as a private office space.

Cube Model
The cube was an attempt to utilize our modeling skills and create unique apertures within this 6" x 6" x 6" wooden cube. Several steps were taken in a modeling software to continue evolving the structure before reaching this final product.

Staircase Model
This project was meant to better our building and scaling skills. I completed this at the beginning of my second year and I now use it as a base to look back and build upon.

This is the first project I worked on in my first architecture studio class at UWM. The idea was to use pieces from an old mechanical object to create a taxonomy and apply that to a location in SARUP.